Porcelain Veneers

Custom-made covers for your teeth’s front surfaces are called dental veneers. They cover over stains, chips, cracks, and other visual flaws. One of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures is veneer placement. Depending on what you want to achieve specifically, there are many veneer varieties available.

The front surfaces of your teeth are covered by veneers. They are produced by technicians using premium dental materials like porcelain or composite that is tooth-colored.

Veneers for the teeth are just cosmetic. They can hide a variety of cosmetic flaws, like as chips, cracks, gaps, yellowing of the teeth, and more.

Porcelain veneers can correct a variety of cosmetic flaws. These restorations are built specifically for your dental structure. Your dentist will need to remove some enamel from your natural teeth before placing the implant. This makes the surfaces of your teeth rougher and aids in the retention of your new veneers.

Your dentist will check your teeth and gums at your initial appointment to see if you qualify for veneers. Small pieces of enamel will be removed from your teeth to prepare them if you are a candidate. Your teeth’s imprints will then be taken. These imprints will be used by a dental lab technician to create your personalised veneers. Dental impressions are not required if composite veneers are used.

Your veneers may not be finished by the dental lab for a few weeks. Your dentist can put temporary veneers if that is required in the meantime. Your veneers will be shipped from the lab to your dentist’s office after the technician completes them.

What happens during veneer application?

Your dentist will examine the shape, tone, and fit of your veneers at a second appointment before using dental cement to firmly glue them in place. They’ll inspect your bite once more and make any required corrections. Inform your dentist if you wish to alter any aspects of your veneers, such as their shape or colour. To guarantee that your findings are good, they will collaborate with you and the dental laboratory.

There is no downtime after veneer installation. After receiving dental veneers, patients can resume their regular activities the same day. As soon as the anaesthetic has worn off, you can also eat or drink following your session.

To maintain your veneers functioning properly, all you need to do is brush, floss, and schedule routine dental visits. Use fluoride toothpaste without abrasives and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Stay away from whitening products since they might damage your veneers.

You should also refrain from biting straight into items that are crunchy or hard, like as apples, carrots, and tough meats, to prolong the life of your veneers. Cut up these meals, then use your back teeth to eat them.

Even though porcelain veneers are stain resistant, it is still advisable to steer clear of foods and drinks with dark hues, such as berries, red wine, coffee, and tea. Over time, certain foods and beverages may discolour your veneers.

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